Hydrotherapy ↗ is a water-based exercise therapy involving a tailored exercise program in a heated pool. It’s an effective, safe and low-impact exercise therapy that can help to improve strength and mobility for people of all ages.
About Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy ↗ pools are generally heated to 33-35ºC which is an important component of Hydrotherapy. Warm water helps to increase blood flow which can reduce inflammation and joint stiffness therefore improving range of motion, and it also helps to relax muscles and reduce spasms.
Exercise feels easier in the water thanks to reduced gravity and improved movement, although the water still provides a natural resistance which slows down movements and helps increase muscle strength! Although exercise feels much easier in the water, it is still important to take appropriate rest between sessions and not over do it! The best method is to start with a simple and gentle program which is gradually increased over time.
Other benefits of Hydrotherapy include:
Improved range of motion and flexibility
Reduced joint stiffness
Reduced inflammation and muscle spasms
Exercise with reduced pain and less pressure on joints
Hydrotherapy is a suitable therapy for a range of people and is not limited to those with injuries or health conditions.
You don’t need to be a strong or confident swimmer to attend Hydrotherapy as it is often completed in chest high water meaning you can stand and walk comfortably.
It’s a popular treatment for:
Musculoskeletal injuries
Multiple sclerosis
Spinal cord injuries
Post-surgical patients (back and joint replacement particularly)
Back pain
Mobility or high falls risk
What’s involved at a hydrotherapy session?
Hydrotherapy is run by one of our Exercise Physiologists ↗ , Eliza ↗, who will take you through a program tailored to your needs.
What & Where
Whilst our Hydrotherapy sessions are group classes, you will still be doing your own program and exercises as provided by Eliza. Classes go for 1 hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Shellharbour Swim Academy ↗ in Albion Park.
What to expect
Depending on where you are at, you can expect to start with a gentle session that introduces you to the basic exercises and movements in the pool. Your program will progress based on your strength, mobility and pain levels if relevant.
Here are some examples of simple water-based exercises:
Leg Press
When you shouldn’t attend hydrotherapy
There are some instances where you aren’t allowed to attend Hydrotherapy, so it is best to consult your GP before taking part. You should not attend if you have:
Open wounds or infections
Contagious viruses or illnesses
Chest infections
Allergies to chlorine
Faecal incontinence
How do I Sign Up?
If you are wanting to try our Hydrotherapy classes you firstly must make a booking ↗ for a Hydrotherapy Assessment with any of our Physiotherapists ↗ or Exercise Physiologists ↗ at Shellharbour ↗, Barrack Heights ↗ or Albion Park ↗.
This assessment will involve running through your medical history and some physical assessments before getting you booked into a class. Once booked in, you will be able to attend any of the Hydrotherapy classes.